Love collecting merch of your favorite otome game husbandos? It's a fun way to show your love for the characters and games, but navigating the Japanese market from overseas can be tricky (and expensive!). This guide is here to help you avoid common pitfalls and score the best deals on Otomate merchandise.
Before You Buy: Important Considerations
Be Selective: It's easy to get carried away, but try to focus on the merch you truly love. Consider previous themes and plan your collection to avoid regret and overspending.
Set a Budget: Otomate merch can be pricey, especially with shipping and import fees. Set a budget and stick to it to avoid financial strain. Remember, there's always more merch coming!
Factor in Duties and Taxes: Don't forget about import taxes and duties, which can add a significant amount to your final cost.
Using Proxy Services
Since many Japanese online stores don't ship internationally, you'll likely need a proxy service. Here's a quick rundown of some popular options:
Buyee: Great for Mercari, fast purchases, and coupons. Watch out for extra fees.
Treasure Japan: Can navigate niche sites, but expensive with mixed service quality.
Neokyo/Zenmarket: Good for larger hauls and Otomate's online shop, but no Mercari access.
Avoid Sendico: Slow purchase times.
Avoid SuperBuy (unless in Asia): High shipping fees.
Online Stores
Animate International: Reasonable shipping, but often has items on backorder.
Surugaya: Great for new and second-hand merch, including rare items.
Otomate Store Online: Occasionally sells extra merch or offers pre-orders.
Mercari Tips
Search effectively: Use Japanese keywords and shortened titles.
Check sold prices: See what others have paid to gauge fair prices.
Be patient: Prices may drop, especially after the initial hype.
Tips for Searching:
Katakana is Key: When searching on Japanese sites like Mercari, using katakana is essential.
Abbreviations: Many games have common abbreviations, so try those as well.
Combine Keywords: Combine game titles with keywords like "アクリルスタンド" (acrylic stand) or "缶バッジ" (can badge) for more specific results.
Character Names: If you're looking for a specific character, try searching their name in katakana as well.
Event Specific Merch: If you know the name of an event where an item was sold, using that name in your search will help immensely.
Otomate Game Search Terms
English Title | Search Term | Notes |
Collar x Malice | カラマリ | |
Code: Realize | コドリア OR Code:Realize | Both variations are commonly used |
Charade Maniacs | シャレマニ | |
Piofiore no Banshou | ピオフィオーレの晩鐘 | |
Amnesia: Memories | アムネシア | |
Dairoku: Ayakashimori | ダイロク | |
Tengoku Struggle -Strayside- | 天獄ストラグル | Often shortened |
Cafe Enchante | 幻奏喫茶アンシャンテ | |
Radiant Tale | ラディアンテイル | |
Cupid Parasite | キューピットパラサイト OR キュピパラ | Both full and shortened versions |
Olympia Soiree | オランピアソワレ | |
Hakuoki | 薄桜鬼 (はくおうき) | This is a major Otomate title. |
Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Teito Genwaku Kitan | ニル・アドミラリの天秤 (ニルアド) | "Nilad" is a common abbreviation |
Variable Barricade | バリアブルバリケード (バリアバ) | "VariBari" is a common abbreviation |
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei | ビルシャナ戦姫 (ビルシャナ) | |
Jack Jeanne | ジャックジャンヌ (ジャクジャン) | |
Clock Zero ~Shuuen no Ichibyou~ | CLOCK ZERO (クロックゼロ or CZ) | Abbreviated as CZ |
Yunohana Spring! | ゆのはなSpring! | |
Norn9: Norn + Nonette | ノルン+ノネット (ノルン) | Commonly shortened to Norn9 or Norn |
Beast and Princess | 獣と姫 | |
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly | 黒蝶のサイケデリカ (黒蝶) | |
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk | 灰鷹のサイケデリカ (灰鷹) | |
Collar x Malice -Unlimited- | カラマリ Unlimited | Need to write the "Unlimited" part also. |
Code: Realize -Guardian of Rebirth- | コドリア 創世の姫君 | |
Code: Realize -Future Blessings- | コドリア 祝福の未来 | |
Code: Realize -Wintertide Miracles- | コドリア 白銀の奇跡 | |
Piofiore no Banshou - ricordo - | ピオフィオーレの晩鐘 ricordo | Need to write the "ricordo" part also. |
Piofiore no Banshou - Episodio 1926 - | ピオフィオーレの晩鐘 1926 | Need to write the "1926" part also. |
Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation- | 終遠のヴィルシュ (ヴィルシュ) | Commonly shortened to Virche |
General Terms
English Translation | Search Term | Notes |
Acrylic Stand | アクリルスタンド OR アクスタ | "アクスタ" is a very common, casual abbreviation. |
Unopened | 未開封 (みかいふう) | Important for finding sealed, new items. |
Spring Breeze Marche | 春風マルシェ (はるかぜマルシェ) | Specific seasonal event. |
Summer Market | 夏の市 (なつのいち) | Specific seasonal event. |
Winter Market | 冬の市 (ふゆのいち) | Specific seasonal event. |
Stellaworth | ステラワース | A popular otome-focused retailer. |
Alice NET | アリスnet | Online store. |
Can Badge | 缶バッジ (カンバッジ) OR 缶バ (カンバ) | Common item, "缶バ" is an abbreviation. |
Clear File | クリアファイル | Common merch item. |
Trading Item | トレーディング | For blind packed items. |
Limited Edition | 限定版 (げんていばん) | Crucial for finding rare items. |
Event Limited | イベント限定 (イベントげんてい) | Items only sold at events. |
Pre-Order | 予約 (よやく) | For items that haven't been released. |
Used Item | 中古品 (ちゅうこひん) | For second-hand goods. |
New Item | 新品 (しんぴん) | For brand new goods. |
Complete Set | コンプリートセット OR フルセット | Very useful for full collectors. |
Illustration Card | イラストカード | Often given as bonuses. |
Bromide (Photo) | ブロマイド | Another type of photo/card. |
Keyholder/Keychain | キーホルダー | Common item. |
Tapestry | タペストリー | Wall decorations. |
Plush Toy | ぬいぐるみ | Popular merchandise. |
Otomate Garden | オトメイトガーデン | Specific location. |
Collaboration Cafe | コラボカフェ | Very time sensitive merch usually only sold at these events. |
Artbook | 画集(がしゅう) | Common type of book |
Otomate Store | オトメイトストア | Offical Otomate retail store. |
Game Software | ゲームソフト | for game software itself. |
Sound Track | サウンドトラック | for game soundtracks. |
Drama CD | ドラマCD | for drama cds. |
General Tips
Consider full sets: Buying full sets can sometimes be cheaper than individual items.
Beware of scalpers: Don't overpay for inflated prices.
Use coupons: Buyee often has coupons for discounts.
Traveling to Japan?
Visit Otomate Road: Located near Sunshine City Mall, it's a haven for otome fans.
Explore used stores: Lashinbang and Surugaya are great for finding deals.
Manage expectations for Stellaworth and Otomate: These stores can be expensive.
Enjoy Animate: Multiple floors of anime and game goods.
Most Importantly:
Have fun collecting! Connect with other fans, take photos, and celebrate your love for otome games. But remember to be mindful of your spending and prioritize your financial well-being. Happy hunting!